December 3, 2013

Getting My Knickers in a Twist, folks, today I revel in modern conveniences. I am not a materialistic sort, and I learn to do well without when I need to--but waiting OVER TWO MONTHS for a functioning washing machine is for the birds. To keep a long story short, this was me before:

Red chapped hands...alas, too rough for writing!

And this shall be me ever after:

That's right, Washday. I'm giving you the come-hither look.

Forgive me if I'm setting my gender back decades, but boy, oh boy, my knickers can't wait to knock around that new drum!


  1. Knock away, baybeh! So happy to hear that this saga has fiiiinally come to an end.

  2. Belated thanks for the well washing wishes, Nicki! This newfangled invention has been maaahhhvelous. :)
